
Here is a recent shoot for global beer brand Grolsch. Shot in London the company wanted an entire bank of images that they could use across a wide range of platforms from out of home advertising in North America to a website refresh. Keen to push the beer's association with live music we spent a huge amount of time reccying London's live music venues to find the perfect location …..and then essentially putting on a gig. Shot over two long days at two locations. As a lifestyle photographer working in advertising all the elements are controlled but it's then a matter of allowing and coaxing those genuine moments of interaction to occur.

A young women chats to her friends who are all enjoying a drink in this advertising image by award winning photographer Jon Enoch
Two friends dance at a music venue whilst enjoying a beer in this lifestyle by photographer Jon Enoch
A group of friends cheers their cans of zero percent beer together in this lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch
Two friends cheers their cans of zero percent beer together in this lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch

Huel - Lifestyle Photography

I shoot lots for Huel. Huel are a meal replacement food provider. Nutritionally complete, the food comes in a number of flavours either ready to drink or in powder form. The company is expanding massively and have sold over 200 million meals globally, they are the fastest growing British e-commerce company.

Here are just a few examples of the lifestyle photography I have shot for them. From beaches to warehouses. Working with a brand over time allows a consistent style to be established. As a lifestyle photographer working with the brand to establish that look is as much of the job as actually taking the images.

An older women holds a bottle of Huel in this lifestyle brand photography by London based lifestyle photographer Jon Enoch
A women eats a bowl of Huel foot in this lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch
A young women holds a bottle of Huel whilst walking on a beach with clear blue skys in this lifestyle photography from Jon Enoch

Rollover - Lifestyle Photography - Jon Enoch

Recent photo shoot for food producer Rollover. The company sells on-the-go food, most noticeably hotdogs and burgers at a vast range of outlets across the UK - from football stadiums to garages. I was tasked with producing an image library that could be used across their marketing assets. Key to the shoot was reflecting the brand's sense of fun and authentic shared moments.

A group of friends eat hotdogs, burgers and chips whilst having a good time. Lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch.
Two friends laugh and chat whilst eating food and drinking drinks in the lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch.
Table top overview image of a group of friends enjoying a meal by lifestyle photographer Jon Enoch.
A fun vibrant colourful image of a man holding a burger. Food lifestyle photography by Jon Enoch.

Shooting in London as a lifestyle photographer this was a great shoot to work on . I love working with brands and bringing their ideas to reality….and yes we ate hotdogs for lunch.

Bowery Awards Jury

Pleased to say I will be judging this year's Bowery Awards, part of the prestigious New York Festivals. The awards honor independent creativity in design, audio, video and short film. New York City’s Bowery is infamous for being a fertile cauldron of creativity and culture. The awards honor the very best work from independent creatives across a multitude of disciplines. As an advertising photographer I can’t wait to see the work.  You can check out the awards by clicking this link: Bowery Awards.


Neymar - Advertising

Recent advertising photography shoot for BBH Shanghai. We were tasked with capturing images of Neymar for popular Chinese beer brand Harbin. The portrait images will be used across China in a range of forms from social to point of sale. As ever a very tight schedule (and an injured ankle) called for some lateral thinking. We shot a number of excursions from traditional sports portraits to more lifestyle photography. Beloware some of the final images, one of the final pieces of artwork, a small behind the scenes time-lapse and some behind the scenes images.

Footballer Neymar photographed by advertising photographer Jon Enoch
Brazillian footballer Neymar in this advertising images by Jon Enoch
A billboard poster featuring footballer Neymar taken by sport advertising photographer Jon Enoch.

Behind the scenes of a shoot with footballer Neymar in Paris.